Winter Finals Detailled Format
Find the explanation video and round 1 drawings here!
6 rounds. Single Elimination.
Finals open to 2021 duels participants only. Seeding based on Spring/Summer/Fall Open scores.
- Seeds 1 to 4 start in round 4 (quarter-finals)
- Seeds 5 to 8 start in round 3
- Seeds 9 to 24 start in round 1
Prize pool to be distributed as follow:
- 50€ for the Winter Finals winner
- 25€ for the Winter Finals runner-up
- 10€ for the 3rd place in the Winter Finals
Maps and Variants
Each series is played under a set of special rules.
The set of special rules is a combination of one Map and one Variant
The "Map" mainly affects map and deck size settings, while the "Variant" adds a restriction either to deck selection or to in-game inputs.
There are 8 differents Maps and 5 differents Variants. All 40 possible combinations will each be featured exactly once during the whole tourney.
Starting from round 2, a series is split in two halves, with a combination for each.
"Half-time" occurs after game 3 during a Bo7, and after game 4 during a Bo9.
Conditions and rules are reset when the series advance to its second combination.
Maps and Variants cannot appear twice in the same series.
During the same round, Maps cannot appear more than once and Variants cannot appear more than twice.
Round 1
Best of Five.
Only one combination (Map x Variant) for the whole series.
Matchups are determined by seeding (seed 9 vs 24, seed 10 vs 23 ... seed 16 vs seed 17).
8 combinations are randomly generated and attributed to each match.
Round 2-4
Best of Seven.
Two combinations per series (g1-g3 + g4-g7).
The 8 players of the round are split into two groups: top 4 seeds, and bottom 4 seeds.
Four sets of two combinations are generated randomly (while respecting the other forementionned restriction).
The best seeds from both groups each secretly pick their favorite set.
The 2nd best seeds from both groups each secretly pick their favorite or 2nd favorite set (if their 1st choice was already picked by a better seed from their group).
The 3rd best seeds from both groups each secretly pick their favorite or 2nd or 3rd favorite set (depending on what was already picked among their group).
The 4th seed gets whichever set is left by the other 3 players from their group.
Players who selected the same set play against each other on said set.
This whole set selection is resolved secretly and simultaneously, to prevent players from cherry-picking their next opponent.
Best of Seven.
Two combinations per series (g1-g3 + g4-g7).
Round 4 matches are named Match 1, 2, 3 and 4 depending on the top seed number who was directly seeded into round 4.
Semi-finals matchups are pre-determined from round 4:
Match 1 match winner vs Match 4 match winner.
Match 2 match winner vs Match 3 match winner.
Two sets of two combinations are handpicked by the organizers and randomly attributed to one set and the other.
Finals and Bronze Match
Best of Nine.
Two combinations per series (g1-g4 + g5-g9).
The organizers attributed the two set of two combinations using the last four combinations that had not yet appeared in the tourney.